Someday, the NRA will look back on their disgusting behavior and realize the end came on December 14 in Newtown, Conn. Because we will never forget:

–That the NRA and their Republican lap dogs opposed any limits on assault rifles and large-clip ammunition.
–That the NRA and their Republican lap dogs even opposed universal background checks–closing the gun sale and internet sale loopholes and requiring everyone who buys a gun to show they aren’t a felon, a terrorist or a mentally ill patient–even though that is the Bottom Line change to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and wachos.
–That the NRA and their Republican lap dogs didn’t want ANY public debate in Congress over gun control; with Republicans threatening to use the ridiculous rules on filibuster (rules the Democrats could have erased earlier this year, but didn’t, a stupid, stupid, stupid mistake.) Oh, what a big deal when some Republicans came around and the filibuster wasn’t used–how disgusting is it that it’s a VICTORY just to discuss gun control in America?
–That the NRA opposed an international UN Treaty to make it illegal to sell guns to terrorists. (How you gonna explain THAT one, boys??)
–That the NRA thought Sandy Hook was a mere blip in the nation’s insatible hunger for guns, when in fact, it was the moment America woke up to just how out of control the NRA is and how its guns-guns-guns mentality is warped.

Those of us who aren’t paranoid see the Second Amendment as the right to bear arms–not the right to own military weapons of mass destruction; not the right to ignore every single thing to be sure bad people don’t have guns; not the right to fight even the Chiefs of Police association that long ago realized the NRA wasn’t their friend, (I think that was about the time the NRA opposed the outlaw of hollow point bullets that could go through police bulletproof vests.)
No, we won’t forget. Especially not at the ballot box, where I see the day quickly advancing where being a supporter of the NRA is going to be a black mark against a candidate.