For the last 48 hours, we’ve been fed a diet of Republican gruel lamenting that if they’d just had a better candidate; if they’d had a Latino on the ballot; if they’d be better at “communicating” with women and minorities, they’d be in the White House now.

They don’t have a clue. I said it before and I’ll say it again: Jesus Christ himself could have been on the Republican ticket and he’d have been beaten by President Obama because it’s not their candidates, it’s their causes. Take one look at the Republican platform or listen to their candidates and tell me it doesn’t turn your stomache.

Women will never side with Republicans as long as the GOP thinks it deserves control over women’s bodies; Latinos will never side with Republicans as long as the GOP thinks they just illegals who should self-deport; Blacks will never side with Republicans as long as the GOP thinks they’re welfare babies just looking for a handout.

The erroneous and stereotypical approach the GOP has taken towards women and minorities shows a lack of respect. It’s a paternalistic, prejudicial attitude that is hideous to us. You don’t overcome that by putting a Latino on the ballot; or a black or a woman. You overcome that by a “come to Jesus” moment when you realize you’re wrong about all these groups. If you can’t do that, you’re doomed.