Boy, I hate to be the one to tell you, Holly Solomon, but you ran down your husband and permanently disfigured him–all because of the misinformed and misguided thought that President Obama’s reelection would hurt your family.

Holly, it is President Obama that will most HELP your family. Mitt Romney as President would have given great tax breaks to the rich and left the middle class in the lurch. You know, the “47 percent” he thinks are takers who aren’t worth worrying about? Bet you fit in that category, Holly. And yet you thought this man would help your struggling family?

What, do you only listen to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh? Is that where you got your positions backwards on which candidate was looking out for the middle class?

Have you heard President Obama lately, clearly telling Republicans he won’t let them try and balance the budget on the backs of the middle class, but demanding the rich in this nation pay a little more? They can afford it. It won’t mean the difference between bread on the table or not. The middle class can’t afford the tax hikes the Republicans favor–you didn’t know that when you ran down your husband?

I’d feel sorry for you if there wasn’t plenty of other media besides the right-wing bubble of Fox-Limbaugh to set you straight. I do feel sorry for your husband, who will suffer the rest of his life because you were so ridiculously misinformed.