Have you seen the hysterical ads Republicans are running against Kyrsten Sinema, running for the U.S. House from Congressional District 9? Every time they run, I think “Lions, tigers and bears, oh my!”

They hammer her for being named in a communist newspaper!! Imagine that. A communist newspaper–a charge that would have made sense in the 1950s, before Kyrsten was even born, but sounds old and tired and so terribly outdated today.

I know Kyrsten Sinema. She was my legislative representative for several years. I’ve watched her outsmart and out-maneuver her opponents. I’ve watched her be the voice of reason in a room of wild-eyed frantics. I’ve been proud of her and know she’ll be an outstanding member of Congress.

If I were writing her political ads, I’d say something like this:

If you want a congresswoman who will stand up to the Tea Party bullies, then you want Kyrsten.

If you want a congresswoman who is smart and strong and fights for the little guy, then you want Kyrsten.

If you want a congresswoman who is a native Arizonan and has always voted for the benefit of the people, rather than her own pocketbook, then you want Kyrsten.

If you want a congresswoman who believes in education and has consistently fought for schoolchildren, then you want Kyrsten.

I’m not in her congressional district, but if I were, I’d sure vote for her.