There are many good reasons—over 1,000 and counting–that women are overwhelmingly supporting the reelection of President Obama over challenger Mitt Romney.

–Since 2010, when Republicans took control of many statehouses and the U.S. House, Republican lawmakers have introduced over 1,000 bills to control women’s health.

–Republicans are not only after abortion—in a nation that overwhelmingly supports a woman’s right to chose—they’re after birth control. As I write those words, I almost choke. I’m officially a senior citizen these days; I thought we settled the right of women to birth control around the time I had my first period.

–Republicans supported and passed laws in some states to demand invasive examinations for pregnant women—procedures unnecessary and unwanted, except by some misguided white guys who hanker to bring back the days of the “Massa.”

–Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is one of the national sponsors of a bill that would define “personhood” at conception, which would make many forms of contraception illegal.

–Republicans have declared they’ll completely de-fund Planned Parenthood if Romney wins the White House—not caring that Planned Parenthood is the ONLY health clinic for millions of American women.

–Republicans are railing against “Obamacare,” which is an almost identical law to the one that Republican contender Mitt Romney passed—and bragged about until now—when he was governor of Massachusetts. This important law aims to bring health insurance to the entire nation, as a right of citizenship.

–Republicans want to talk about “legitimate rape,” and suggest that a woman who is “truly” being raped against her will has a built-in safety factor to keep her from pregnancy. This is nothing but voodoo and every woman knows it.

–Women know that tax breaks for the rich that are the centerpiece of Romney’s “economic plan,” will only make things worse for them, the residents of the “middle class” and “lower middle class.” Hurt that class and you primarily hurt women and their children.

The list can go on and on, but I can’t look anywhere in the Republican Party these days and see anything kind to women. And I’m wondering how Republican women are dealing with this assault on them and their bodies—and on their minds, because come on, the entire undertone of all this is that women aren’t smart enough to make decent decisions for themselves.

Newsflash: Democratic men don’t think of Democratic women as weak, silly, pitiful second-class citizens. And we wouldn’t let them if they tried. Can’t tell you how good that feels.