Oh, they look so hurt, Senators John McCain and Jon Kyle, denouncing an ad by Democratic Senatorial candidate Rich Carmona that shows the senators praising him during his nomination for the U.S. Surgeon General under Pres. George W. Bush.

They say it’s so unfair to imply they’re endorsing him now, and Kyl says that while they supported him before, he’s “not the kind of man to represent you in the U.S. Senate.”

But then there’s those pesty letters over the years, when Carmona was being courted by the Republican Party. Yes, long before he threw his hat in with Democrats, he was a hopeful darling of the Republican Party. He was urged to run for governor of Arizona as a Republican; he was urged to run for Congress, as a Republican. Channel 12 has shown copies of the letters, showing Republicans thought he was one helluva guy when they hoped he’d be on their side.

But now that he’s on the other, he is nothing but a “rubber stamp” for President Obama, according to the many ads being run by or for Jeff Flake, his Republican opponent.

But wait, what about those letters courting him for the GOP? Channel 12 asked Chris Herstam, a former REPUBLICAN legislator and political operative who gave this honest answer: “Those letters destroy the whole Flake argument that Carmona is just an Obama guy.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself.