Why this isn’t front page news across America, I don’t know, but NOW we find Republicans have a new group they’re screwing over–after women, the poor, minorities and the 47 percenters: American veterans.
A bi-partisan bill–one with 58 Senators that were both Republican and Democrat–was defeated this week that would have provide a Veterans Job Corps to help returning war veterans. President Obama touted this bill in his convention speech, and it appears that was its death sentence.
Four Republican Senators voted to block the bill, making it dead for this year. It’s obvious Republicans didn’t want Obama to have a “win” before the election. So they screwed over veterans for their political hides. That isn’t patriotism, that’s cannibalism.
Remember Republican Senate Leader Mitt McConnell announcing, with a grin: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for Presiedent Obama to be a one-term president.” That was four years ago, and Republicans have thwarted economic recovery and job acts since then to keep America wanting. They thought they could keep things so bad–obviously not caring that American citizens were being destroyed by their scorch-earth policies–that voters would turn to Republicans.
Well, America is seeing exactly what these folks are REALLY like and nothing screams it more than their war on Veterans.
It’s no longer necessary to ask “have you no shame” because the answer is all too clear.