Paul Ryan says he is a good Catholic. He says he believes in the Church and he believes in its principles.

So I’m wondering if he’s gone to Confession since he’s pushing a budget–a document that is the CENTERPIECE of the Republican Party’s campaign for the presidency–that his Church calls “immoral.”

Last summer, Nuns on the Bus traveled 2,700 miles to 9 states and 10 Congressional offices to protest the Ryan budget plan. They call Ryan’s approach “immoral” and “devastating” to middle class and poor families, since 62 percent of the spending cuts come from poor and middle class people, while 100 percent of the tax cuts go to millionaires.

Sister Simone Campbell, speaking at the Democratic National Convention, noted the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has also blasted the budget, saying it “fails the basic moral test” because it fails families. “We support our Bishops,” Sister Simone said.

Besides the nuns and bishops, many priests have also spoken up, like Father Fred Daily of All Saints Church in New York. He said last summer: “I think that all people of faith should be in the streets proclaiming the immorality of these proposed cuts.”

I find it impossible to forget the voices of Catholic leaders every time I look at Paul Ryan.