We don’t have to guess what a Republican administration would mean to federal and state budgets–we’ve already seen that right here in Arizona.

We have watched the self-proclaimed “tea party legislature” and their honey of a governor give generous tax cuts to businesses, while cutting education more than anywhere else in the entire nation. So the great claim to fame of Arizona’s legislature is that they have done the best job of slashing public education. What a dismal legacy.

But it’s not just here.

We’ve watched Republican governors in Kansas, South Carolina and Wisconsin all lower taxes on the rich and raise them on low income citizens. The Independent Tax Research Center says that’s exactly what Romney-Ryan have in mind with their budget plans.

President Obama instead plans small hikes on the wealthy and no increases on the middle class. He notes that folks like himself and Romney, who have done very well for themselves, can afford a little more, and he argues the middle class needs more tax cuts. He says it’s time for “economic patriotism.”

So Romney’s impersonation of a moderate with deep compassion for the middle class–first seen last Wednesday night in the presidential debate–is a ruse.

Believe him and say goodbye to any semblence of “economic patriotism.”