Last night’s debate showed two different views of America and where this country is going.

I believe in Joe Biden’s vision. I believe he and President Obama have a clear and fair approach to taxation and rebuilding the middle class. I believe the Democratic ticket has a clear and fair approach to women rights, gay rights and the environment.

And I trust them on foreign policy. I believe them when they say they will bring our troops home from Afghanistan and that they take a measured, not reckless, approach to foreign issues. We know how horrible it is to have a reckless Republican in the White House–we don’t need a repeat of George W. Bush.

Don’t forget, former Gov. Romney thought we shouldn’t be putting so much focus in getting one terrorist, while President Obama was ordering the takedown of Osama bin Laden.

In fact, I think one of Joe Biden’s campaign quotes sums up this election: “Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.”

So last night when he looked into the camera and asked, “who do you trust?” I had no trouble yelling back, “I love you Joe.”